There is a huge focus currently on looking after our mental wellbeing, particularly in light of the difficult year that we have all experienced, the impact of which is likely yet to be fully understood. With families already feeling the pressure of various factors which impact on our children’s wellbeing, including not just the effect of the pandemic, but other pervasive influences, such as social media and technology addiction, it is no doubt a particular concern to those who may be experiencing a family breakdown that this is yet another burden which needs to be managed and which at times can feel overwhelming.
As family lawyers, we have an absolute duty to our clients to support them in ensuring that their children’s welfare is always prioritised. Helping parents to separate with as little as acrimony as possible and maintaining a healthy respect for each other’s roles can assist in ensuring the impact on their children’s mental health will be kept to a minimum.
So how as parents facing a relationship breakdown can we protect our children best?
Both parents have the power to help their own child navigate their way through a separation and both have the ability to help reduce the potential negative impact of a family breakdown.
Here are some practical examples that, in our experience as family lawyers, can make a difference:
Providing stability, warmth and reassurance are key to ensuring good mental health for children. All of those things are entirely achievable in a separation situation and with a little focus on the strategies above will help you to navigate your new normal and ensure that the negative impact is minimised.
Remember that going through a separation does not inevitably have to damage your children. Many couples manage the situation sensibly and sensitively, and involving family focused lawyers in helping you resolve any issues will mean that the situation does not inevitably become more acrimonious or fractious.
If you need advice or assistance in relation to any legal issue pertaining to a relationship breakdown, contact our family department on [email protected] or ring the office on 028 9181 1538 to discuss in confidence.
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